Open-ended play is the way!

We love our fair share of toys that are created for a specific purpose. However, open-ended play opportunities promote creativity, foster imagination, and encourage problem-solving skills along with many other benefits! binSpire’s sensory experiences were created with this in mind. Our bins can be utilized in a multitude of ways and your child can be the guide!

What People Are Saying

“I cannot give enough praise and gratitude to Hanna and her team at binSpire! We had a private messy play session for my son’s 3rd birthday. MOMS listen when I say it was the BEST party option! Not only was it fun and creative, but they came and set up, played with us, and cleaned everything up. I didn’t have to lift a finger and I was able to enjoy playing with my son and converse with guests without stress. We will absolutely call again!”

— Molly, Mom and binSpire Client

“Such a great option for busy moms! Between messy play events and mini bins, my kids have been able to have great sensory experiences without planning and prep on my part!.”

— Sara, Mom and binSpire Client

“Love the local events for little kiddos! This is so so needed in our area. We purchased a mini sensory bin at opening night and all three of my kiddos played with it for a total of hours. One of my favorite tools to pull out so little ones are occupied while I cook a meal.”

— Selina, Mom and binSpire Client